Asbestos Exposure in the Home

Asbestos induced poisoning remains one of the largest killers in the construction industry in 2019. If you believe that your home may be affected by my asbestos, here is what you can do to ensure that you are not putting your family or yourself in harm's way.

As a general rule, houses that were built during the 1970s and 1980s are likely to have been constructed using some sort of asbestos-containing materials these homes are likely to contain asbestos in the floor tiles, roof shingles, flashing copper pipe cement, insulation, chimney, ceiling tiles copper sheeting, fireplaces come on and just to name a few. For homes built after 1990 it is still possible that your home does contain some asbestos-related material. in Australia come out it wasn't until 2003 that asbestos-containing materials but completely banned from importation and use nationwide.

Asbestos becomes the risk to humans when it is airborne. That means that asbestos in a bonded state actually not seems to be harmful. It is only when the asbestos becomes disturbed and is in what's called a friable state that it becomes a risk and asbestos fibres may be released into the air. As an example, the floor tiles used in a home may have been mixed with asbestos-containing materials and when they become worn out over time the crumbling tiles will now be friable asbestos fibres which can release into the air as dust and pose a threat to anyone in the home.

How to check for asbestos

A visual inspection of your home is usually not enough to say definitively that your home does or does not contain asbestos materials. The most important thing that you can do is have your home inspected by an asbestos specialist who can advise on whether the home contains any harmful materials that need to be removed. Contracting an asbestos technician who can take these samples and assess your home is one way that you can significantly minimise the risk of asbestos exposure to your family and anyone living in the home.

If you want to learn more about the dangers of asbestos exposure in the home, check out the video:


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